
Food Bank Britain – A Broken Society

Food Bank Britain - A Broken Society. Map showing hundreds of Food Banks

Solidarity and understanding are two major components to recreating a better society. As it stands, we are easily divided by many things, one of them being wages. This has been highlighted in the media response to the strikes by the RMT in the last week. And it worked. Given that the strikes aren’t even solely about wages, it’s clear that the ‘wage’ can be used as a divisive issue causing discontent among some of the population as they react with how little they earn in comparison to the 60k a train driver earns. Is it the train drivers’ fault, if true? Of course not. This is a corrosive issue across all our society. We should also be focusing on and questioning the wages of politicians which currently stand at £84,144 and be happy that our contemporaries are making a good living. 

Posted in Corporatism, Economy, Food banks, NHS, Politics, Society, Strikes, The Tories | Leave a comment